You think you have a stuck ferment…what next ?
Ferments have many reasons for being sluggish or stuck
Inappropriate yeast selection
Killer factor in yeast selection
Mis-handling of yeast during inoculation
Low YANs in fruit
Not enough nutrients to support fermentation
Competing unwanted yeast or bacteria
Alcohol toxicity in high sugar concentrations
Excessive temperatures
Anaerobic fermentation
Metabolic by-products
Unbalanced or inhibitory acid, pH and SO2
Analysis required for confirmation and treatment
Yeast Viability/count
Micro exam – looking for lactobacillus and acetobacter
VA or Acetic acid analysis
Alcohol analysis
Glucose and Fructose analysis separated
Monitor density decrease once below 1.005
Measure YAN
Check Free SO2 and TSO2 even if the vineyard/winery hasn’t added any
Encouraging Ferment
If yeast viability is >25%, alcohol is <12%, VA <0.8g/L encouraging a ferment is recommended rather than a restart
Aeration – pump over
Heat or Cool to 18-22°C
Nutrient addition – increase YAN to 20mg/L
Yeast hull addition, max 30g/hL
Rack off lees
Additional lees (active clean lees) where appropriate
If still not moving look to restarting
Re-starting ferment
If yeast viability is <25%
Rack off lees
Warm to 20-25°C
Build grape based reinoculation solution
Select and rehydrate Fructophilic yeast, suitable for the environment ( high alcohol, or SO2)
Follow re-start protocol for yeast/nutrient
Yeast hull addition, max 30g/hL
Rack off lees
Monitor analysis of residual sugar, alcohol and VA
High VA > 0.8 g/L
VA removal should be considered
VA greater than 1g/L will inhibit yeast
Or filter to reduce bacterial load
Reverse osmosis or similar if above
Treat with an antimicrobial /spoilage product like X-PRO Bactoclean